Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Real Fast Vegetarian Food - Ursula Ferrigno

The title of this book is certainly a misnomer. There is nothing "fast" about a lot of these recipes, as many of them involve numerous steps. The Southern Italian Layered Potato Pie sounded great on paper. It's chock full of mozzarella, potatoes, onions and mushrooms. But you have to chop about a billion onions, and then cook everything separately, before smashing the potatoes into oblivion and then layering everything into a baking pan. In the end, you basically get glorified mashed potatoes and I really didn't see the need to bake the whole thing when you could just as easily just stir it all together. The Beetroot Salad however, was fast, very simple, and incredibly delicious. The longest step for this recipe was boiling the beets, which let's face it, doesn't exactly take a whole lot of attention or effort. After that you add some chopped onions, basil, parsley and a little oil and vinegar and salt and pepper. I also made Parmesan Potato Pancakes (glorified hashbrowns) and a Wild Mushroom and Basil Tart, which, while not fast, was probably one of the best things I've ever eaten. So I don't know, I'll probably hold onto this one for the time being and do a little more exploration in it once I'm through the first round of all my books. It may end up being one of those that I only pull a couple of recipes out of and then dump the rest. We shall see.


  1. Do you have a filing system for recipes not in books? I was thinking about using a software, so I could search by ingredients (which seems more helpful than searching by other categories). The "free" one I got turns out is free up to 50 recipes added. Blech!
    Anyway, I ask because I've got so many recipes that I don't know how to organize in a way that makes using them easy. I usually go straight to books with indexes (and some books have better indexes than others) and miss out on all those recipes I've clipped from magazines of photocopied from books or downloaded ...

  2. Ha! I have a two drawer file cabinet FULL of magazine and newspaper clippings and whatnot. Oh, and also a little recipe card box, but that's mostly filled with family recipes and such. So yeah, I'm seriously out of control. It would take me years to upload everything I have. My long term goal was to work my way through all the books and then attack the file drawers. But at this pace, I'll probably be retired before I get there. I really need to start cooking more!
